Thursday 17 December 2015

A walk through some of the updates I've made to this blog

How's my favourite people doing this evening?

By now, some of you would have seen changes to the appearance of the All Lexus blog and I just wanted to walk you through the new layout and explain why some of those changes were necessary.

Firstly, at the top of the side bar, there's now a Search bar

This will make it easier for you to navigate through and dig out old articles just by typing a keyword or a phrase. As more and more article are added, it could be dicey finding that article you read halfway through, told yourself you'd come back to it, but never got round to it a day or two later. This solves that problem! :-) So, a Search bar is right at the top because of its importance.

Next, some of you may want to be informed automatically through email when a new article is posted. This saves you time from having to come back to the home page every time, so welcome to the email subscription service, courtesy of All Lexus.

The third change is perhaps the one I'm most excited about.

And that's because readers from you-name-it-they're-here country have become quite fond of the All Lexus blog, and a lot of them are not from native-English speaking countries. Thanks to Google Translate, now at the click of a button all All Lexus articles will be available in pretty much any language. As you know, Lexus' home turf is Japan but most native Japanese speak their own mother tongue. This translation widget allows you to read pretty much anything on All Lexus in, well, pretty much any language you can think of. So, let's give a warm round of applause to the Google Translate:

Last but not least, there's the Top All Lexus posts. Interestingly, a lot of my readers do the leapfrog back to articles written days or weeks ago, and I thank you for that. These articles have quickly catapulted to become All Lexus' most popular articles. So for readers who are curious to know what the most read pieces are, this list shows you exactly which are the most frequently visited articles. It'll be a moving target, goalposts that change over time as my awesome readers go back and forth and back and forth, constantly changing the number of hits each article gets. So welcome to the dynamic list: The Top All Lexus Posts.

And there you have it, four changes that I've made to All Lexus and why these changes were made. They're all right there on the right side of the home screen and it'll always be there for easy access at all times. I'm still toying around with the layout to improve readability, accessibility and outstanding-ability (that was sooo made up!) because... why not? I believe a good blog needs to constantly evolve with the times to serve its readers as their tastes mature. I'm going to make this the best Lexus blog, bar none. And I thank you all for coming.


All Lexus 

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